General Surgery procedures

Halo Procedure

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Get Well Soon works for everyone looking to get treatment fast

Excellent service!

Mr H C

Halo Procedure

Mr McArthur very quickly put me at ease and it was easy to discuss my medical condition with him.

Mr P R

Halo Procedure

Highly recommended. Gentle and understanding of a delicate matter - removal of external haemorrhoids. Cautious in predicting improvement, but he delivered 100% - and exactly to the timescale he forecast.

Mrs L E

Halo Procedure

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At Get Well Soon we specialise in elective procedures. Elective surgery is different from urgent or emergency surgery, where the patient's life might be in danger. However, we understand that for many patients, these conditions can often be debilitating and painful.

Elective procedures are often the sort of operations that the NHS are unable to prioritise, so seeing a doctor privately may be the only way you can have your condition treated quickly.

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